
Call for 2024 出国留学 Proposals

短期, faculty-led study abroad programs offer diverse opportunities for students to enhance their global competency so they are better equipped to thrive in our interconnected world. The 十大电子游艺网站排行 留学办公室 is here to help faculty offer students an international learning experience that is focused on a specific topic or theme related to your subject.

教师-led study abroad programs typically last from 1-3 weeks during the summer, 寒假, 春假期间. The deadline to propose a program is June 1st. April and May are popular times for faculty to meet with our office and solidify their proposals.

Course proposals must consist of the following four items:

  1. 课程建议书
  2. 行程
  3. 综合课程大纲
  4. 预算 

If you are a faculty member that wants to solely focus on teaching the course content and not worry about planning anything additional, 我们可以帮你 CIS Abroad, our international travel partner for faculty-led programs. CIS Abroad provides support to faculty offering logistical expertise, planning academic-focused excursions, 制定完整的行程, 24小时的现场工作人员.

If you have questions about proposing a study abroad program, don't hesitate to contact the 留学办公室 at studyabroad@mamio.net or (409) 880-7013. Thank you for offering LU students invaluable global experiences that can define their academic careers.

请使用 更新 template below to complete your proposal.

出国留学 Program Proposal Packet


Proposals are Due: June 1st of each year



十大电子游艺网站排行's academic advisement team are key members in our efforts to promote study abroad opportunities to our students. 作为新生, students should be encouraged to consider study abroad as part of their undergraduate experience. Advisors from every discipline should point out the value of making this type of investment. 出国留学 takes considerable planning and advisors can look at their overall degree plan and help students see when it would make the most sense to study abroad and what degree requirements might be best met while abroad. We can't underestimate the importance of strategic planning!

Below are some tips to make advising about study abroad an easy and successful process:

  • Study abroad programs are offered by every academic college at 十大电子游艺网站排行. Courses are available at the core level, the advanced undergraduate level, and for graduate students. If you have a student in your office, chances are there is an opportunity for her/him to study abroad.
  • Most study abroad programs DO NOT have course prerequisites, though faculty-led programs in Business and Engineering typically require junior standing for participation. Are you advising an outstanding freshman or sophomore who might not have the correct standing, 但还是想出国留学? Don't tell her/him "no" without first checking with the 留学办公室. Occasionally exceptions can be made.
  • 教师-led study abroad programs typically last from 2 to 4 weeks and run during the summer terms. That said, we are seeing more and more faculty-led programs during 寒假 and spring break. If you have a student who can't study abroad during the summer, but would still benefit from the experience, keep in mind these alternative break opportunities!
  • Summer programs are usually vetted and approved in the preceding September. Courses, activities, and budgets are planned in advance. Advisement during the fall semester is a great time to start planting the seed for summer study abroad.
  • LU study abroad 课程 are either "already on the books" 课程 tweaked to fit the study abroad experience or new special problems/selected topics 课程 designed just for the purpose of leading students abroad in their field of study. If you have questions about how the course will count in the students' degree plans, contact the appropriate Department Chair or the 留学办公室 - we're happy to help!
  • 学生 wishing to study abroad on a non-LU program who intend to transfer the 课程 back to LU must have their credits approved prior to departure. The 留学办公室 has a clear process for transfer course approval - send students our way to get the paperwork started!
  • The 留学办公室 is always happy to talk with parents about our programs. You might hear from a student that they want to go abroad, but their parents are skeptical about costs, 课程, 或安全. Please encourage the student to make an appointment for their parents to meet with Ms. 克罗斯利. We value the support of parents and really appreciate the opportunity to explain the details of study abroad to all concerned parties.



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